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                                    Many masses are held in the Croatian language in this place every day as well as masses in other languages ​​according to the pilgrims present on the spot. They are celebrated either in the church of St James , or in the Chapel of the Adoration or even in the John Paul II Hall  The so-called international mass is celebrated at 7 p.m. in summer or 6 p.m. in winter. Different choirs animate the masses. This mass is celebrated either inside the St James's  church or outside under the rotunda (behind the church). Indeed, this allows the large number of pilgrims to see the altar. In addition, giant screens are positioned on either side of the church in order to see even better.



What does the Catholic Church tell us about the liturgy of Holy Mass?


"1066 In the Symbol of faith, the Church confesses the mystery of the Holy Trinity and his" benevolent plan "(Eph 1: 9) for all creation: the Father fulfills the" mystery of his will "by giving his Son Beloved and his Holy Spirit for the salvation of the world and for the glory of his Name. Such is the Mystery of Christ (cf. Eph 3: 4), revealed and realized in history according to a plan, a wisely ordered "disposition" that St. Paul calls "the Economy of the Mystery" (Eph 3: 9) and that the patristic tradition will call "the Economy of the Incarnate Word" or "the Economy of salvation". "


"1067" This work of the redemption of men and of the perfect glorification of God, to which the great divine works in the people of the Old Testament had preluded, Christ the Lord accomplished principally through the paschal mystery of his blessed passion, of his resurrection from hell and of his glorious ascension; paschal mystery by which 'in dying he destroyed our death, and in resurrecting he restored life.' For it is from the side of Christ sleeping on the cross that is born 'the admirable sacrament of the whole Church' "(SC 5). This is why, in the Liturgy, the Church mainly celebrates the Paschal Mystery by which Christ accomplished the work of our salvation. "


“1068 It is this Mystery of Christ that the Church announces and celebrates in her Liturgy, so that the faithful live and bear witness to it in the world:


In fact, the liturgy, by which, above all in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, "the work of our redemption is exercised", contributes in the highest degree to what the faithful, through their lives, express and manifest to others the Mystery of Christ and the authentic nature of the true Church (SC 2). "


" Que la Sainte Messe, petits enfants, ne soit pas pour vous une habitude, mais qu'elle soit vie. En vivant chaque jour la Sainte Messe, vous ressentirez le besoin de sainteté, et vous croîtrez en sainteté."
25 Janvier 1998 ( Extrait )  

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