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On February 11, 2017, the Provincial of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, Father Miljenko Šteko, made a statement on the occasion of the appointment of the Special Envoy of the Holy See for Medjugorje: “Today, February 11 2017, at noon, on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Press Office of the Holy See announced that the Holy Father has appointed a special envoy of the Holy See to Medjugorje in the person of His Excellency Mons. Henryk Hoser SAC, Polish Archbishop, current Ordinary of Warsaw-Praga. On behalf of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, to which the parish of Medjugorje is entrusted, I express my filial gratitude to the Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis, for the true pastoral concern and the attention he shows by this appointment. . "


Who is Bishop Höser?


Bishop Höser was born on November 27, 1942 in Warsaw.


He studied medicine and worked as a doctor and assistant at the Academy of Medicine. He joined the Pallotines in 1969 and made his solemn profession there on September 8, 1970. He was ordained a priest on June 16, 1974.

                            In Paris, he took courses in French and tropical medicine, and in 1975 he left for Rwanda as a missionary. He becomes the regional superior of the Pallotines in Rwanda. In 1994, after the civil war and the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda, in the absence of the Apostolic Nuncio in the country, he was appointed Apostolic Visitor. He participated in the Special Synod for Africa and chaired the Conference of Superiors of Religious Orders in Rwanda.


On his return to Europe in 1996, he became the superior of the French region Pallotine and joined the Missionary Council of the Conference of Major Superiors in France. Also since 2004, he has been the superior of the Pallotine mission in Brussels.


On January 22, 2005, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Mission Societies. He was also appointed titular archbishop of Tepelte.


St John Paul II called him to Rome and consecrated him bishop on March 19, 2005. Pope Benedict XVI appoints him Archbishop and Bishop of Warsaw Praga in Poland on May 24, 2008. He is a member of the Presidium of the Polish Episcopal Conference and heads the team of experts in bioethics. In 2015 he was a member of the Synod of Bishops for the Family.


On February 11, 2017, he was appointed by Pope Francis as a “Special Envoy of the Holy See for Medjugorje. "


On May 31, 2018, he was appointed Apostolic Visitor with a special character for the parish of Medjugorje for an indefinite period and at the disposal of the Holy See (ad nutum Sanctae Sedis).


His mission is to accompany the parish community of Medjugorje, all those who go there on pilgrimage and whose needs require special attention. His mission is a pastoral one .


2ème nomination du Saint-Siège : Mgr Aldo Cavalli: le 27 novembre 2021


La paroisse de Medjugorje avait alors fait l'annonce suivante :


Hier, le 27 novembre 2021,à  midi, le bureau de presse du Saint-Siège a annoncé que le pape François avait nommé l’archevêque Mgr. Aldo Cavalli, archevêque titulaire de Vibo Valentia (Vibo Valentia - lat. Dioecesis Vibonensis) et nonce apostolique aux Pays-Bas, visiteur apostolique à  caractère spécial pour la paroisse de Medjugorje, pour une période indéterminée et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis.

Cette nomination s’inscrit dans la continuité de la mission réalisée à Medjugorje par Mgr Henryk Hoser, S.A.C., décédé le 13 août 2021 à Varsovie.

Mons. Aldo Cavalli est né le 18 octobre 1946 à Lecco (Italie). Il a été ordonné prêtre à Bergame le 18 mars 1971. Après son ordination sacerdotale, il enseigne la littérature au séminaire, période pendant laquelle il termine ses études de sciences politiques à l’université catholique. A partir de 1975, il est à l'Académie pontificale ecclésiastique de Rome, où il couronne son séjour par un diplôme de troisième cycle en théologie et en droit ecclésiastique. Il a œuvré dans plusieurs nonciatures en tant que secrétaire ainsi qu’au Secrétariat d'État du Saint-Siège. Il a été ordonné évêque le 26 août 1996 dans la cathédrale de Bergame. Après avoir été Nonce apostolique au Chili, en Colombie, à Malte et en Libye, le 21 mars 2015, il est nommé Nonce aux Pays-Bas et Représentant permanent du Saint-Siège auprès de l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques (OIAC).



" Chers enfants, aujourd'hui, je vous appelle à devenir mes témoins en vivant la foi de vos pères."
25 Septembre 1998 ( Extrait )

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