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The evening prayer program begins with the prayer of the first two rosaries: Joyful and Sorrowful at 6 p.m. (summer time). Then the Holy Mass is celebrated. Pilgrims can follow the entire celebration with simultaneous translations into many languages including French. The parishioners and pilgrims together follow this so-called international Mass. Then comes the blessing of religious objects, the prayer for healing of body and soul and the third rosary is prayed: the glorious mysteries. The prayer program lasts approximately three hours. Some evenings there is Eucharistic Adoration or Veneration of the Cross.
This program was developed according to the messages given by the Queen of Peace who specially chose this parish to guide it.
Bénédiction objets 14 août 2018 - Medjugorje
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Prière de guérison âme et corps 8 août 2018 - Medjugorje
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" Je souhaite vous bénir tous et vous dire: vous vivez un temps de grâce en cette période où je suis avec vous. Je veux vous enseigner et vous aider à cheminer sur la voie de la sainteté."
25 Juin 1991 ( Extrait )
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