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The apparition of May 13, 1917 in Fatima.


First apparition of Our Lady in Fatima: May 13, 1917


First appearance: Sunday May 13, 1917.


A few months after the last appearance of the Angel, the three shepherds, before going to graze their sheep, on this Sunday, May 13, 1917, participated in the Holy Mass in the parish church. This Mass was more especially celebrated for the deceased. After Mass, the children went to their homes to collect the bags containing their meals, then they headed outside the hamlet with their sheep. Lucie, the oldest, chooses to graze her sheep on land belonging to her parents at the Cova da Iria which means the tomb of Iria, in memory of Saint Iria (Irene) who preferred to die than to lose her purity. The two youngest shepherds followed Lucie and the path was quite long because the moor was strewn with stones and thorny broom. The three of them arrived at Cova da Iria a little before noon.

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At the Cova da Iria


After their meal, they recited the rosary and then decided, at the top of the slope of the Cova da Iria, to build, for fun, a small wall around a bush. Suddenly, they saw a flash of lightning, but what surprised them was that there was no thunderstorm or rain. The sky was blue with no clouds. The atmosphere was warm and calm. They decided to go home, however.

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A Lady Dressed in White.


The shepherds began to descend the slope with their sheep but, when they reached halfway up the slope, at the height of a large holm oak which was there, they saw another lightning then a Lady all dressed in white surrounded by light. Surprised by this apparition, the children stopped about five feet from the Lady.



The dialogue between the Lady dressed in white and the shepherds.

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She said to them, “Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. "

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Lucie asked: "Where are you from? "

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The Lady replied: “I am from Heaven. "

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Then Lucie asked: "And what do you want from me? "

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The Lady said to her: “I have come to ask you to come here for six months in a row, on the 13th, at this same hour. Then I'll tell you who I am and what I want. After I will come back here a seventh time. "

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“And me, will I go to Heaven too?” Said Lucie.

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“Yes, you will. "

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"And Jacinta? "

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" As well. "

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"And Francois? "

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“Also, but he will have to recite a lot of rosaries. "

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Lucie then asked the Lady about two young girls who had recently died: Maria, 16, daughter of José das Neves, and Amélia, 19, who were going to her home to learn to weave:

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"Is Maria already in Heaven?" "

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“Yes, there she is. "

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"What about Amelia?" "

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"She will be in Purgatory until the end of the world".

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“Do you want to offer yourselves to God to endure all the sufferings that He wants to send you, in act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and of supplication for the conversion of sinners? "

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"Yes, we want it".

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“Then you will have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfort. "

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While uttering these words, the Lady opened her hands from which an intense light emanated. Lucie later explained this:


“This intense light penetrated our heart to the depths of our soul. It made us see ourselves in God, who was light, more clearly than we see ourselves in the best of mirrors ”.

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The children knelt down and recited this prayer inwardly:

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“O, Most Holy Trinity, I adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament. "

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Before leaving, Notre-Dame added:

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“Recite the Rosary every day in order to obtain peace for the world and an end to the war. "

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"When will the war end?" "

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"I can't say it yet, until I tell you what I want too." "

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After these words, she rose slowly in the sky, in the direction of the east, before disappearing. The light seemed to open a path for him.

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As with the apparitions of the Angel, Francis saw the Blessed Virgin Mary but did not hear her words. Jacinthe saw and heard everything but did not dare to speak to Notre-Dame. Alone, Lucie dialogued with the Lady. The apparition lasted about ten minutes.

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